Mobile Application

As part of the EU project "Work for a cause, serve for sport" the mobile application Volunteers in Sport is being developed. This application will connect the base of volunteers, those who want to volunteer at sports events, competitions and tournaments with companies, organizations and associations that organize sports events. The mobile application will be used in the project partner countries: Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Greece and Croatia, and volunteers will be able to work at sports events in all mentioned countries.

An international meeting of all partners was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on July 5 and 6, 2022, where the aforementioned application was presented. The partners were very satisfied with the presented prototype of the application and, with some upgrades, it is expected that the application will come to life latest in October 2022. The initial base of volunteers immediately enrolled in the application are the participants from the educational workshops recently held in Zagreb on the topics of Sports events - logistic support, Sports assistants for people with disabilities and Volunteer management.


The intelligent way to be selfish is to work for the welfare of others

⎯ The Dalai Lama

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